Prayers for the forgotten souls in purgatory
Prayers for the forgotten souls in purgatory

prayers for the forgotten souls in purgatory prayers for the forgotten souls in purgatory prayers for the forgotten souls in purgatory

Praying that Pope Francis will declare the fifth Marian Dogma very soon in his Pontificate, and that he will also establish a Year for the Faithful Departed and the Souls in Purgatory, and prayers for the conversions of all sinners, especially for the conversions of Dave McConnell, Gilles Latour, John Latulippe, Paul Crooks, Jean-Pierre Mercier, my brother Vince Chung, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Cecile Richards and Dr. Through Mother Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, that each Angel and Saint present at every Mass celebrated in the whole world, each and every day, will bring many souls out of purgatory, eternal salvation to many dying souls and miraculous conversions to many obstinate sinners, while also powerfully interceding for all people to become and remain faithful followers in Christ, and that all people choosing and living a celibate life, especially Priests, Religious, and the Consecrated, that each and every day of their celibate life that souls be released from purgatory, eternal salvation be achieved for the dying, and that poor sinners be miraculously converted each and every day, and with ongoing and ceaseless prayers for the sanctity and purity of the Church and world, and that through the intercession of Mother Mary, Our Lady, Exterminatrix of Heresies, we pray for the conversion of all people who believe in falsehood, as well as, all who teach falsehood, especially within the Catholic Church and we ask that Our Lady of Mercy protect believers so that they will remain with the truth in love and service.

Prayers for the forgotten souls in purgatory